Applied digital soil mapping of agricultural land using remote sensing - developments for national coverage
The overall aim is to develop and validate an applied DSM method in different geological
environments and to test the products in advisory services for farmers. The specific objectives are:
- To validate the method in different geological environments.
- To validate whether the method can be improved by including qualitative data from the SGU Quarternary maps.
- To validate whether the accuracy of the maps will be improved by combining data mining
- methods with geostatistical methods (e.g. regression kriging).
- To estimate the accuracy in areas with a low number of reference soil samples.
- To improve the model for OM developed by Söderström (2012)..
- To test the practical usefulness of the maps for farmers. Liming recommendations will be tested by the farm service of the Swedish Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies.
SLU, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
395 000 kr
Totalt beviljat bidrag
395 000 kr