Space data and services

Using space data, innovative services and solutions are created that, together with other data, benefit society as a whole. The SNSA works actively to disseminate knowledge about how space data can be used for increased social benefits in Sweden and the world. In the first place, space data is about earth observation, positioning and communication.
The SNSA coordinates Swedish participation in Copernicus, the EU Earth Observation Program for the dissemination and use of information about the environmental state of the earth. More and more authorities are using space data. The Swedish Forest Agency uses, among other things, earth observation data to monitor forest harvesting, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute makes climate models and weather forecasts, and the Swedish Maritime Administration optimizes icebreaking and ensures maritime accessibility, just to name a few. All Copernicus data is free to access and disseminate. Copernicus also offers a range of ready-made services for example water quality analysis and disaster management. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) benefits from Copernicus for monitoring forest fires and floods.
In Europe, the Galileo satellite navigation system is being developed. Fully expanded, Galileo will offer a number of advantages over existing navigation systems. The system will have higher accuracy, less sensitivity to interference and better positioning indoors. Navigation services are part of our everyday lives as almost all mobile phones offer this feature. The service is also used to streamline everything from snow laying in ski slopes for roads and agriculture. The savings will be large and resource utilization better for the communities using this data.
The SNSA has initiated work on a Swedish Space Data Lab to seize the opportunities provided by the large amounts of space data in combination with the latest developments in AI. Swedish Space Data Lab is a collaboration between Rise, Lindholmen Science Park, Luleå University of Technology and the SNSA.
In the Swedish Space Data Lab there is a data cube (Open Data Cube) based on open source and international collaboration. The data cube is a resource for authorities and organizations and will form the basis of an investment in open innovation for increased social benefits from space data.